Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Secret Transparent Folders

Here I reveal a humble, handy trick, which will make your folder invisible. See, how I make a folder named "Student" totally unseen here.
1) Right click on  the "Student" folder → Click at 'Properties'.

Then 'Student Properties' dialog box will come. → Click at 'Customize' tab. → The current folder icon will be shown → Click at 'Change Icon...' button.

Then you will see 'Change Icon for Student Folder' dialog box. → Scroll the bottom horizontal Scroll Bar till you see some free area called transparent icons in the Dialog box. → Select any of the transparent icon → Click at 'Ok' button.
Follow the picture below:

'Change Icon for Student Folder' dialog box
Transparent icons present in the 'Change icon for Student Folder' dialog box

Then click on 'Apply' in the 'Student Properties' dialog box → Click at 'ok' button.

Preliminary Result:

Transparent 'Student' Folder

Now, we should hide the folder name as well, i.e. "Student" here.

2) Select the "Student" folder. Press the 'F2' Function key from keyboard to rename it. → Press 'Alt' + '255' or 'Alt' + '0160', '255' or '0160' from NumPad on the right side of the keyboard → Press 'Enter' key from keyboard. [You won't actually see those '0160' or '255' numbers while typing them. Just make sure to hold down the 'Alt' key while typing the '255' or '0160'.

Ultimate Result:

1) no. '255' or '0160' should be selected from NumPad only. This trick won't work if you press nos., given on the top of the alphabetic characters of the keyboard.

2) What if you want to create another transparent folder in the same directory ?.
For this, again select any of the transparent icons as your folder-icon and type '0160' or '255' two times while naming the folder each time holding the 'Alt' key. That's it.
3) You may not be able to input '255' or '0160' easily while holding 'Alt' while renaming, if 'Mouse Keys', 'Sticky Keys' etc. Features are turned-on on your Personal Computer.
4) Remember that not every keyboard has a numeric keypad although there is usually a way of temporarily making a set of keys on the normal keyboard behave as if they were the numeric keypad.

Visible the Folder again:
1) Right click on secret transparent folder ('Student' folder) → Click at 'Properties'.

Then 'Properties' window will come → Select the 'Customize' tab → Click at 'Change Icon' button. → Select the 'Folder' icon picture → Click at 'Ok' button. → Click at 'Apply' button → Then click at 'Ok' button.

Then the Folder will look like this:

2) Then select the folder → Press 'F2' key from keyboard → Then write down the folder name like: 'Student'.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Customize the send to menu in Windows 10, 8, 7

➤How to add Folders to 'Send to' menu:

'Send to' : A pretty useful tool for directly sending file(s)/folder(s) to the Pen-drive that you have just plugged in instead of performing that historical 'Ctrl' + 'C' and 'Ctrl' + 'V'.
You can also use the 'Send to' menu to:
1) Create a zipped archive of the selected file(s)/folder(s).
2) Create shortcut of selected file(s)/folder(s) on the 'Desktop'.
3) Send file(s) as an attachment via default e-mail client.
4) Send file(s) to a Fax recipient and Bluetooth devices.
You can easily customize the 'Send to' option.
1) At first create a new folder on 'Desktop' and give the name like: My Locker.

2)Now press 'Windows' + 'R' key from keyboard. → Then 'Run' command window will come → In the 'Run' command box, write down: shell:sendto → Click on 'ok'

3) Then 'Send to' folder will open → Right click in the free area of the  'send to' folder → Click at 'New' → Then select 'Shortcut'.

Then 'Shortcut' window will come. → Click on 'Browse..' button.

Then 'Browse For Files and Folders' Window will come → Select the New folder (My Locker) which created on Desktop. → Click at 'Ok' button.

Please note that the 'Desktop new folder (My Locker) location is: C:\Users\{User Name}\Desktop\My Locker

Here target folder (My Locker) location is:
 C:\Users\KOUSHIK\Desktop\My Locker 
[User name is: KOUSHIK].
Then click at 'Next' button → Click at 'Finish' button.

Now 'My Locker' shortcut folder created in 'Send to' folder. →Then close the 'Send to' folder.

4) Now right click on any file(s) or folder(s) from any place in the Computer (except 'My Locker' folder). → Then click at 'Send to'.

Then you will see the 'My Locker' folder on your 'Send to' menu. → Click at 'My Locker'.

You will see the picture file (.jpg) in the 'My Locker' folder on 'Desktop'.

➤Modify Windows Send to menu:

Hold down the 'Shift' key while selecting the destination from the 'Send to' menu and your file/folder will be moved instead of getting copied (For 'Windows XP' and up).
[Right click on any file/folder → Click on 'Send to' → Press and hold 'Shift' key from keyboard + Select the destination drive/folder]

The picture file (mouse.jpg) has been moved (cut) to the destination folder (My Locker).

➤'Shift' magic in Windows Vista and up:

Hold down the 'Shift' key → Right click on the desired folder/file  → Discover the 'Extended Context Menu', i.e context menu with some secret option. These secret options include:
1) 'Open in new process'
2) 'Open command window here'
3) 'Copy as path' [stores the address/path of the selected file/folder in the Notepad]
4) Some extra, secret items in the 'Send to' menu.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

How to set Taskbar

➤Insert your Name on 'Taskbar':
1) Click at 'Start'→ Click at 'Control Panel'→ Select 'Region and Language' / 'Region'.

Press 'Windows' key + 'R' key from keyboard→Run command box will come→ Write down 'intl.cpl' in the Run command box.→ Click at 'Ok' button.

'Region and Language' / ''Region' dialog will come. (The screenshot picture shown here are for 'Windows 7'. The procedure may differ for other versions.)
2) Click at 'Additional Settings.......'

3) Then click at 'Time' tab→ Write down your First Name in the 'AM symbol:' field→ Then write down your Last Name in the 'PM symbol:' field. 
Also edit the 'Short time:' & 'Long time:' field in the 'Times formats' section as shown in the next screenshot as the parameter 'tt' denoting A.M or P.M must also be present in the selected 'Short time:' & 'Long time:' formats.

4) Click on 'Apply'→ Then click on 'Ok'
5) Now Click on 'Apply'→ Then click on 'Ok' (For 'Region & Language')


➤Retro 'Taskbar':
'Windows 7', 'Windows 8', 'Windows 8.1', combines buttons on the 'taskbar'. 
To get back to the retro look, Right-click on the empty area of the 'Taskbar'→ Select the 'Properties' option from the context menu.→In the popped up dialog, select the 'Taskbar' pane→ Check the 'Use small icon' (For 'Windows 7') or 'Use small taskbar buttons' (For 'Windows 8') checkbox→ Under the 'Taskbar buttons:' setting, choose 'Combine when taskbar is full' or 'Never combine'→ Click at 'Apply'→ Then click at 'Ok'.

You'll now get a clear and separate button for each running instances/application, making them much easier to identify.

➤Pin Folder to 'Taskbar':
This tip surely works on 'Windows 7' & up as you can't directly pin a file/folder to 'Taskbar' in earlier versions.
Most of you know how to pin a file/folder on the 'Taskbar'. But you can't directly pin a drive to the 'Taskbar'.

1) Create a new folder on your 'Desktop' with .exe extension, say "Tiger.exe".
[N.B-You can use any name for Folder name but ".exe" extension must be given. ]

2) Now replace the folder-icon with a drive-icon.
[Right click on 'Tiger.exe" folder→ Click at 'Properties'→ Then "Tiger.exe" folder properties window will come→ Click at 'Customize' tab→ Click at 'Change icon...' button→ Select the 'Drive icon' picture→ Then click at 'Ok'→ Then 'Apply'→ click at 'Ok']

3) Now the folder look like the following picture:

Main steps Continues:
4) Now drag and drop the folder (here "Tiger.exe") to the 'Taskbar'.

5) Right click on "Tiger.exe" folder which pinned to 'Taskbar'.

6) Now right click on "tiger" icon from the display menu.→ Then click on 'Properties'.

Then the "Tiger" Properties window will come.

7) Here, in 'Shortcut' tab clear or delete the total taget path and write down: 'D:' (with out '').→ Click on 'Apply'→ Click on 'Ok'.
 Follow the picture carefully.

8) Then click on the "Tiger.exe" folder which pinned to 'Taskbar'. This folder will open the 'D:' drive in your Computer.
[N.B- You can write down 'C:', 'E:' if your computer has 'E' Drive]


Friday, April 24, 2020

Read PDF or Listen to PDF

From now on, please don't strain your eyes any further for reading e-books. Relax and listen to the pdf files instead of reading it.
You can easily do this with the 'Adobe Reader' program. It has integrated text to speech conversion feature that makes text audible with any need to install additional software.
To get started, make sure that your pc has latest version of 'Adobe Reader' installed [here 'Adobe Reader 11'].
1) Open the 'Adobe Reader' with pdf file.
2) Select the 'View' option on the 'Adobe Reader' menu bar→ Select 'Read Out Loud' from the displayed menu→ Now select 'Activate Read Out Loud'.

3) Select the 'View' again→ Click at 'Read Out Loud'→ Select 'Read This Page Only, or 'Read To End of Document'.
'Adobe Reader' will now read the document for you.

4) To pause or stop reading, Select the 'View' again→ Click at 'Read Out Loud'→ Select 'Pause' or 'Stop'

Keyboard Commands:

Changing the parameters associated with the voice:
Click 'Edit' option from 'Adobe Reader' top menu bar→ Click on 'Preferences...' at the bottom of the drop-down menu to open 'Preferences' dialog Select the 'Reading' option in the list on the left pane of the screen.
In the 'Read Out Loud Options' section of 'Reading' menu, select the voice you would like to use. 'Windows Xp' comes with a free voice: 'Microsoft Sam'. Other Operating Systems may include other voices. 'Mary, or 'Mike' is recommended.
You can also adjust the speed, 'Pitch', and 'Volume' from the 'Read Out Loud Options' box. 'Pitch' and 'Volume' adjustments are labelled as such. Speed is labelled as 'Words per Minute'. Click on 'ok'.

1) The 'Read Out Loud' feature may not work on all pdf files like some secured pdfs, pdfs in Hindi or nay other language etc.
2) Not all versions of 'Adobe Reader' has 'Read Out Loud' feature.
3) If you are on a laptop and want the reading by the 'Adobe Reader' to be continued even after closing the laptop-lid instead of going into 'Sleep' / 'Hibernate' or nay other mode, configure 'Power Option' in the 'Control Panel' accordingly.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

how to show my computer icon in desktop

➤Create 'My Computer/Computer' by Folder:
1) At first create a new folder or rename a folder with the below mentioned name:
Computer .{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

[Please note that, press 'Space bar' from keyboard after writing the 'Computer'].
2) Refresh your current directory / 'Desktop' containing the folder.
The folder's icon will get changed into the 'Computer' / 'My Computer' icon.
Now, even if someone clicks on the folder, 'Computer' / ''My Computer' will get opened instead of the folder itself.
3) To access your files, navigate to the folder using 'WinRAR' or try searching your file(s) via 'Search' tool to get access to it.
If you are on 'Windows XP', your stored file(s) may not be displayed in the search results. If your folder is on 'Desktop', you may delete or hide the original 'Computer' / 'My Computer, shortcut, if possible.

➤Create 'Recycle Bin' by Folder:
To store your files within 'Recycle Bin' the folder should be named as:
Recycle bin .{645ff040-5081-101b-9f08-00aa002f954e}

➤Create 'Super Control Panel' by Folder:
It may be hyperbolically named, but 'Super Control Panel' is indeed omnipresent. It conveniently puts hundreds of settings from all around the 'Windows' all in one place.
To turn on 'Super Control Panel', create a new folder on your 'Desktop' or anywhere you'd like & name it:

SuperControl Panel.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

The resulting folder will contain 270+ items, representing virtually every configurable option in 'Windows 7' & up (Probably in 'Windows Vista' too).

➤Multiple Monitor settings:
Windows 7 allows to add a second monitor to a home or office PC to do more than one job concurrently. There are two ways to setup multiple monitor either by using keyboard shortcut or by using traditional system properties.

First method: 
Simply press the 'windows' + 'P' key from keyboard. It will display a quick menu with different options.

Computer only - Used to show only computer monitor.
Duplicate - Make the second monitor as the duplicate of first.
Extend - Extend the desktop to second monitor.
Projector only - Turn off the first monitor and activate the second.

Second method:
To set multiple monitor on your computer through the tradition system properties. Right click on the empty part of desktop and select 'screen resolution'. Then click on 'Connect to a projector'.
