Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Make 'Windows' Greet You

A few lines of VB script code will let your computer greet you every time you login to it. This will look straight out of a sci-fi movie and this is so easy & cool. Your not-so-tech-savvy friends will not only be amazed at this but they will think you as a creative genius.

1) open 'Notepad' (Text Document)
[Right click on 'Desktop'→ Click at 'New'→ Click at 'Text Document']
2) Copy the exact code given below & paste it into 'Notepad'.

Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome to your PC, Koushik"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

Replace 'Koushik' in the code with your own name. You can set custom message if you wish within "" in line 2
3) Save the file as "Welcome.vbs".
[Click at 'File' menu→ Click at 'Save As...'→ Now 'Save As' window will come→ Now select the place where the file is save (here I select 'Desktop' for save the file)→ Write down the file name: Welcome.vbs→ Click at 'Save as type:' and select 'All Files'→ Click at 'Save' button].

Make sure that the file is saved with '.vbs' extension and not like "Welcome.vbs.txt". If the file is saved correctly, the file icon  will change from a simple notepad icon to a VB script icon.

4) Now the required script file is ready. For the welcome message to greet you upon login, we need to load this file at start-up. To do this we need to move the file to the "startup" folder.
[Press 'Windows' key + 'R' key from keyboard→'Run' command box will come→ write down 'shell:startup'→ Press 'ok' button to open the "Startup" folder].

Generally the path will be:
'C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup'

5) Now place the Saved file to the "Startup" folder.
This path for "Startup' folder in 'Windows 7' & up

Now when the next time you start your Computer, 'Windows' will welcome you in its own Computerized voice.

1) For best results, it's recommended to disable default windows's welcome sound. 
Run 'mmsys.cpl' via 'Run' command. In the popped up window, navigate to the 'Sound' tab and disable Windows's Startup and Logon sound.

Windows Compatibility:
This VBS file can be executed on all versions of Windows including 'Windows XP' 'Windows Vista' 'Windows 7' 'Windows 8' 'Windows 8.1' and 'Windows 10' .

➤Text to Speech Converter:

Steps:1) Open 'Notepad'
2) Copy the exact code given below & paste it into 'Notepad'.
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion:","Text To Speech Converter")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

3) Save the file as "Text to Speech.vbs".

4) Run it.
'Text to Speech Converter' will get opened.
5)Enter your text for conversion and hit the 'ok' button.


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