➤Draft a Personal Diary or Log-book:
➤Change the Folder-size to '0-Bytes':
➤Create a Folder Named 'CON':
1) Make sure that the target file/folder is in rename mode.
2) Hold 'Alt' key and press '255' or '0160' from Numpad/Numeric keypad on right side of the keyboard, where only no's are given.
'Windows' will now introduce a secret invisible character.
3) Now type "CON", "AUX" or "NULL" (without "") as per your wish.
Your folder has been created.
Please note that you press '255' or '0160', from Numpad.
You can simply use 'Notepad' as a simple digital diary or as a personal log-book.
1) open 'Notepad' (Text Document).
[Right click on 'Desktop'→ Click at New'→ Click at Text Document]
2) Type .LOG (in capital letters) and hit 'Enter' [↵].
3) Save the file as "Anyname.txt" and close it.
[Click at 'File' menu→ Click at 'Save As...'→ Select the place where this file is save (Here select 'Desktop')→ Write down the file name (here file name 'Personal Diary')→ Select 'Save as type:' and select 'Text Document (*.txt)'→Click at 'Save'.→ Then close the 'Notepad' (Text Document)]
4) Open the Saved file again & you'll find the current date and time appended to the file and the cursor in the next line.
5) Type your notes and then save (Click at 'File' menu→ Click at 'Save') and close the file.
6) Open the save file again and you will see the following display:
Each time you open the file, 'Notepad' repeats the process, i.e it inserts the current date and time to the file and places the cursor below it.
➤Access Desktop Files/Folders from Anywhere:
Right click on the 'Taskbar'→ Select 'Toolbars' from the displayed menu→ Click at 'Desktop' option
Once the above steps have been completed you should have a 'Desktop' option in proximity to the windows Notification area of your 'Taskbar'.
Now you can access Desktop Files/Folders from anywhere.
You can access Desktop Files/Folders inside of Computer.
➤Rename Multiple Files/Folders at a Go:
1) Select all the Folders/Files which you want to rename.
[Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key and select one by one Files/Folders]
2) Hit the 'F2' key→ Rename any single File/Folder (Write down the File/Folder name )→ Hit 'Enter' (↵).
All your Files/Folders will be renamed and a number in the parenthesis () will be added at the end of the Folder/Files-names.
If you want to undo the changes, hit 'Ctrl' + 'Z'.
➤Change the Folder-size to '0-Bytes':
1) Launch 'Command Prompt' with Administrative Privileges.
[Start→ Click at 'All Programs'→ Click at 'Accessories'→ Right click on 'Command Prompt'→ Click at 'Run as administrator'→ 'User Account Control' window is come→ Click on 'ok' button.→ Now the 'Administrator: Command Prompt' window is come].
[Start→ Click at 'All Programs'→ Click at 'Accessories'→ Right click on 'Command Prompt'→ Click at 'Run as administrator'→ 'User Account Control' window is come→ Click on 'ok' button.→ Now the 'Administrator: Command Prompt' window is come].
2) Now write down command in Command prompt:
cacls "your Folder-Path" /e /p everyone:n
cacls "E:\picture" /e /p everyone:n
3) Now check the Folder-size in the 'Folder Properties' dialog.
[Right click on your target folder (Here folder name is "picture")→Click at 'Properties'→ Now folder properties window is come.
The folder size is reduced to '0' byte. Now even if someone tries to open the folder, it will show the "Access Denied" error.
4) To regain the correct folder size & to re-access it, input the following command in the 'Command Prompt'.
➤Create a Folder Named 'CON':
When you try to create a folder named "CON" or rename an existing file/folder to "CON", the following warning message may pop up on your computer screen.
Similarly, when you save any file as "CON", you may receive an error message similar to the one shown on the text page.
Similarly, when you save any file as "CON", you may receive an error message similar to the one shown on the text page.
Warning message Displayed
1) Make sure that the target file/folder is in rename mode.
2) Hold 'Alt' key and press '255' or '0160' from Numpad/Numeric keypad on right side of the keyboard, where only no's are given.
'Windows' will now introduce a secret invisible character.
3) Now type "CON", "AUX" or "NULL" (without "") as per your wish.
Your folder has been created.
Please note that you press '255' or '0160', from Numpad.
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